imaginative investigation by
custodians of the urban future
When your goal is to create a successful space, user input is absolutely vital, not just the current users, but also the future generation. We work with youth to find out what makes them tick. What are places that they like to eat, drink, pray and play? We CONNECT with them through on-site pop-ups, mural projects, experiental education, summer camps and university projects and offer a range of activities where they get to EXPLORE the city through their own lens, CONNECT to other demographics in their community and ARTICULATE their ideas and sense of place.
We create a fun and safe environment where THE VOICE OF YOUTH is not just heard but is also shaped into nuggets that can feed into a planning or placemaking process, so they feel empowered to share their ideas. We partner with youth centres, museums, cultural foundations, schools and universities to provide exciting projects and real-life learning experiences that foster camaraderie, creativity and compassion. We get them involved and invested through public space activation, urban games, scavenger hunts and multi-media content creation so they can become TODAY’S URBAN INFLUENCER and TOMORROW’S CHANGEMAKERS.
iDiscover offers tailored mapping packages for secondary schools, universities and youth groups. With easy-to-use templates and expert guidance for youth to explore the city through their own lens and create beautiful maps. A highlight is our annual iDiscover field school in SRI LANKA where Dutch and Sri Lankan youth dive deep into the hidden [hi]stories of the island’s coastal cities and CO-CREATE awesome digital content.
“I only knew a fraction of North Point before, but after the workshops I felt that North Point is my other home”
Wai Wai, illustrator
“I am a big fan of these project-based-classes, it works very well.”
Khalid Saleem, PE Teacher, HK Academy
“I only lived here for four years, it is really nice getting to know Sai Kung in a better way now.”
Student participant, HK Academy
“A fun and interactive way to introduce the concept of tangible and intangible heritage to youth”
Jennifer Lang, HK Institute for Conservation Architects
“A chance to get out of the classroom and experience and explore the city they live in.”
Grade 10 teacher, Hanoi International School
“This is not just learning & fun but it made me recognize more, when I walk on the streets of Sai Kung.”
Maggy, student participant HK Academy
“The French quarter is a picture-perfect blend of the charm of Hanoi with the style of Paris”
Grade 9 student Hanoi International school
“I didn’t get my students this focused in class and this course isn’t even for a grade”
David Ferren, teacher, HK Academy
independent inquisitive students
local community connections
eye-opening experiences